Venue: Committee Suite - County Hall
Contact: Yvette Welsh, 01392 382406 Email:
Note | No. | Item |
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Election of Chair Minutes: It was PROPOSED by Jeremy Roberts and SECONDED by Penny Hammett that Belinda Twiggs be appointed as Chair of Devon SACRE for the forthcoming year.
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Election of Vice Chair Minutes: It was PROPOSED by Wendy Harrison and SECONDED by Sandra Gill that Kelly Keatley be appointed as Vice Chair of Devon SACRE for the forthcoming year.
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Minutes of the meeting held on 20 June 2024. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 20 June 2024 were signed as a correct record of the meeting.
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Items Requiring Urgent Attention Items which in the opinion of the Chair should be considered at the meeting as matters of urgency. Minutes: There was no item raised needing urgent attention. |
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Devon SACRE Membership updates To note any changes to the membership of Devon SACRE. Minutes: The Committee NOTED the membership of Groups A -D and the co-optees to the Committee.
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Standards in Schools - Monitoring and Ofsted The purpose of this report is to update SACRE members on the findings published in recent Ofsted reports, particularly where comments relate to Religious Education (RE), collective worship or Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development (SMSC) of pupils.Where appropriate, the report may recommend that SACRE officers should contact specified schools to either congratulate them on their outstanding practice, or to offer curriculum support in specified areas.
Ofsted reports from a number of primary schools make reference to issues relating to RE/CW/SMSC. Most of these comments are very encouraging.
A number of schools are being followed up specifically with regard to comments in their reports.
Minutes: The Committee received an update on the findings published in recent Ofsted reports, particularly where comments related to religious education (RE) collective worship or spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils. Reference to a number of schools were mentioned including, primary schools at Stockland, Membury, Dolton, Uplowman, Thorverton, St Catherines, St Nicholas and Withycombe which highlighted positive comments from Ofsted inspections. These included: · that pupils can confidently make comparison about place of worship · ‘Stop the Clock’ days help to deepen pupils’ understanding of cultural celebrations · Pupils recognise the importance of celebrating others achievements · Effective in helping pupils to learn about different beliefs and appreciate differences · Development of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. · That the school has a clear and ambitious vision and set of values During general discussion, the Committee referred to the following: · That assistance be offered to those schools that did not have specific favourable RE focused comments and be able to assist in a positive manner. · That RE related topics equip pupils for life beyond school It was NOTED that Ofsted reports from a number of schools made reference to issues relating to RE provision and that two schools are being followed up with regard to comments in their reports and whether assistance could be offered.
Devon and Torbay SACRE: Agreed syllabus The purpose of this report is to update SACRE members on the successful implementation of the Devon and Torbay Agreed Syllabus 2024-29.
The new syllabus was launched through 3 in-person and one online events in the summer term 2024. Total delegate numbers: 296. Venues: Bideford: 49; Exeter: 148; Plymouth: 52 online: 47
The syllabus has been introduced for teaching from September 2024.
The cost of the new syllabus is £35 per school, with all schools in Devon, Torbay and Plymouth now being able to access it (including academies). A significant proportion of the purchase cost has been recouped through the ‘paid-for’ launch events.
Ongoing training for teachers for the introduction of this new syllabus has been set up: via online training in November 2024, LTLRE hub meetingsand the annual LTLRE conference.
Minutes: Following the positive feedback from the launch events, it was NOTED that 296 delegates in total attended the three in person sessions and one online session.
On going training for teachers will continue to be offered during 2024/2025 via ‘Inset’ training, the LTLRE conference and local hub meetings. |
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Learn Teach Lead RE The purpose of this report is to update SACRE members on the progress of the Learn, Teach, Lead RE (LTLRE) hub network.
Hub leaders training (2024/5) takes place on 3/10/24, 7/3/25 and 4/7/25.
The LTLRE hub groups across Devon continue to be successful, with termly meetings attracting both primary and secondary teachers of RE. These meetings take place both in person and online, depending on the context and topic being covered.
The recent annual conference 2024 took place on 4th October 2024, at the St Mellion Conference Centre. 91 delegates attended from schools in Devon, Torbay, Plymouth and Cornwall.
Conference feedback The training content met my expectations … Strongly agree: 46; Agree: 18; Neither: 2; Disagree: 1
Conference feedback (delegates’comments): · Great conference · Great networking · Practical ideas for staff development · Meeting people and sharing ideas · Understand how to implement a worldviews approach · Inspiring, uplifting, imaginative · Training helped me to deliver and lead RE in school · Great choice of workshops for beginners and experienced teachers · Fantastic wide range of workshops · Great speakers, inspiring and motivating · The best CPD!
Minutes: The Committee NOTED the following : · That a number of new Hub Leaders have joined the team and training to take place in March and July 2025
· That Devon Hubs continue to offer a mix of hybrid and face to face meetings over the year
· that the 2024 annual conference that took place on 4 October 2024 had been well received. 91 delegates attended from schools in Devon, Torbay, Plymouth and Cornwall. Feedback had included: · Great networking opportunity · Practical ideas for staff development · Understand how to implement a worldviews approach · Inspiring, uplifting, imaginative, motivating · Great choice of workshops for beginners and experienced teachers · Fantastic wide range of workshops
During general discussion members referred to:
· The value of teacher training students being able to attend the conference · that the Higher Education establishments can offer talks and workshops on request; · the importance of RS A level in FE colleges
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Regional and National Development Developments: RE Hubs, Curriculum, and Assessment Review An update on the latest Regional and National developments will be given at the meeting.
Minutes: The Committee were asked views about the following statements as part of the Governments new curriculum consultation. The Committee had been invited to meet following the formal meeting to discuss the response from Devon SACRE.
RE in the curriculum - for pupils of compulsory school age a. The status quo should be maintained. b. RE should be included as part of the National Curriculum with the content being determined by central government. c. RE should be included as part of the National Curriculum. Content should be determined by the RE Council’s National Content Standard not by central government.
The right of withdrawal from RE* – for compulsory school age. a. No changes should be made to the legislation concerning right of withdrawal from RE b. A justification should be provided (by parents) to exercise the right of withdrawal from RE c. The right to withdraw from RE should be removed if RE is required to be critical, objective and pluralistic d. The right to withdraw from RE should be removed
Accountability measures - curriculum a. No changes should be made to accountability measures in relation to the curriculum b. Changes should be made to accountability measures so that schools are held accountable for the standard of their provision for RE c. Changes should be made to accountability measures so that schools are held accountable for the standard of their provision for RE using the National Content Standard as a benchmark
It was generally welcomed that a response be submitted by the Committee, emphasising the importance of the REC’s National Content Standard, which gives a clear description of high quality RE.
The Committee were reminded about the RE Hubs and the wealth of information available.
NASACRE Webinars and 'In Conversation' event NASACRE virtual training 2024-2025 programme acts as a conduit through which SACRE’s can be brought together. The programme of sessions can be booked through the Devon SACRE clerk.
Minutes: The Committee NOTED the NASACRE online training programme for 2024/2025. |
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Young Ambassadors Project The South West wing of the Young Ambassadors project involves Ed Pawson working with Y9/10 students from Okehampton College and Y5 pupils from Okehampton Primary School. These schools are both members of the Dartmoor Multi-Academy Trust, and one of the reasons for choosing these schools as partners is the Trust’s commitment to inclusion and equality.
Some of the activities of the secondary contingent so far have included: · Making films for the REady for Work Campaign, inspired by Lord Bilimoria, which advocates for the importance of RE in the workplace · Campaigning about the need for a suitable prayer room in the school · Discussing and submitting questions to be answered by Children’s CommissionerRachel De Souza · Visiting places of Religion and Worldviews significance in Exeter, including the Exeter Synagogue and The Quaker Meeting House · Working with and inspiring their primary school peers · Speaking to a large group of teachers at the recent launch of the new RE agreed syllabus · Planning Interfaith Week activities Minutes: The Committee NOTED that representatives of the Young Ambassador project would be attending the next meeting of the Committee.
Faith and Belief Schools' Visitors Training Day The Committee will receive an update about the forthcoming visitors training day. Minutes: The Committee NOTED that the Faith and Belief Speaker training is to be held at The Mint Methodist Church, Fore Street, Exeter on 18 January 2025
Interfaith Week 2024 The Committee will share the various events planned for Interfaith Week. Minutes: The Committee NOTED that the following events would be taking place during Interfaith Week at The Mint Methodist Church, Fore Street, Exeter:
Universal Peace Prayers– 9 November 2024 Meet a Muslim, Pagan, Buddhist, Jew, Humanist, Christian – 16 November 2024
Holocaust Memorial day - 27 January 2025 - For a Better Future Holocaust Memorial Day on the 27 January 2025 theme will be ‘For a better future’. Minutes: The Committee NOTED that Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) would be held on 27 January 2025 and the theme is to be ‘For a better future’. |
Future SACRE Meetings Thursday 6 February 2025 Tuesday 17 June 2025 Thursday 13 November 2025 Minutes:
The Committee NOTED the dates of future meetings:
Thursday 6 February 2025