Issue - meetings

Meeting: 08/05/2024 - Cabinet (Item 541)

541 Destination Exmouth Levelling Up Fund: Exmouth Gateway pdf icon PDF 643 KB

Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/24/31) on proposals to remove the Exmouth Gateway proposals from the Destination Exmouth Levelling Up Fund (LUF) package, attached.

Additional documents:




(a) that the results of the Consultation Report, included in Appendix 1, be noted; and


(b) that the removal of the Exmouth Gateway proposals from the Destination Exmouth Levelling Up Fund (LUF) package be approved.


(The Chair exercised his discretion to vary the order of business for the meeting to take agenda item 10 at this point).


(Councillors Biederman, Scott, Trail, Whitton and Wrigley attended in accordance with Standing Order 25(2) and spoke to this item).


The Cabinet considered the Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/24/31) which outlined proposals to remove the Exmouth Gateway proposals from the Destination Exmouth Levelling Up Fund (LUF) package, circulated prior to the meeting in accordance with regulation 7(4) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012.


In Summer 2022, the Council submitted a bid to the Levelling Up Fund (LUF) Round 2 for the Destination Exmouth package, which consisted of two schemes; Dinan Way Extension and Exmouth Gateway. Dinan Way Extension proposed to connect Dinan Way to the A376 and move traffic away from residential roads in the area and it would be complemented by proposals at Exmouth Gateway, consisting of a collection of active travel and public realm improvements to the area around Exmouth railway station.


As a whole, Destination Exmouth built on aspirations laid out in the Exmouth Neighbourhood Plan and intended to reduce the amount of traffic in the town centre and to create an improved experience for people arriving in Exmouth. The extent of the Exmouth Gateway element of the scheme was detailed in Figure 1.


Section three of the Report detailed the consultation process, engagement with stakeholders, and surveys. The full public engagement report was available online: Corporate websites - Exmouth Active Travel Improvement Engagement Summary.pdf ( A key finding was that 60% of respondents did not support the closure of the subway for a number of reasons. Whilst the proposal to close the subway remained a critical element in delivering the full benefits of the overall scheme, other changes were made following the summer engagement period, including a shared path being preferred, upgrading the zebra crossing outside the railway station and retaining the flowerbed and part of the wall near the leisure centre. These detailed designs were taken to public consultation between 14 November 2023 and 5 January 2024 and a total of 829 surveys were completed and 19 emails received.


The survey responses showed mixed views: 44% of survey respondents supported the proposals, whilst 47% of respondents opposed the proposals. The proposal with the highest level of opposition was closing the subway, which 64% of respondents opposed to some degree.


It was not possible to deliver the active travel gateway improvements without the additional space provided by the infilling of the subway and its closure, therefore without public support for the closure of the subway, the Report recommended that the Exmouth Gateway proposals were removed from the Destination Exmouth LUF package of improvements.


Officers would continue to work with the Department for Transport to ensure that the delivery of the Dinan Way Extension continued.


Whilst the Exmouth Gateway proposals aligned with the vision and priorities set out in the Devon  ...  view the full minutes text for item 541