Issue - meetings

Meeting: 13/03/2024 - Cabinet (Item 495)

495 Blundell's Road Traffic Calming Phase 2a (Barberry Way to Gornhay Orchard) pdf icon PDF 754 KB

Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/24/20) seeking approval for Blundell's Road Traffic Calming Phase 2a (Barberry Way to Gornhay Orchard), attached.


An Impact Assessment has been prepared for the attention of Members at the meeting, is attached, and available at - Blundells Road Traffic Calming - Impact Assessment.


Additional documents:




(a) that the scheme layout shown on drawing C21032/9 (Appendix 1 of the Report) for tender and construction at an estimated cost of £636,135, be approved;


(b) that the Traffic Regulation Orders and road humps be advertised, and if no objections received, be made and sealed;


(c) that the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport be given delegated authority, in consultation with the Local Member and Cabinet Member for Highway Management, to make minor amendments to the scheme; and


(d) that the enhancement to the 2024/25 capital programme by £588,000 from developer contributions be approved.


The Cabinet considered the Report of the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport (CET/24/20) which sought approval for the Blundell's Road Traffic Calming Phase 2a (Barberry Way to Gornhay Orchard), circulated prior to the meeting in accordance with regulation 7(4) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012.


The Cabinet noted that Tiverton was planned to accommodate 2,000 dwellings to the east of the town, with the most direct access for walking and cycling between the development and the town being along Blundell’s Road. Phase 1 of the traffic calming outside Blundell’s School was approved in February 2016 (report PTE/16/10) and subsequently constructed.


Phase 2a between Barberry Way and Gornhay Orchard was being considered as part of this report, with Phase 2b to the east of Barberry Way on Post Hill to be delivered when further development of the Tiverton Eastern Urban Extension came forward. The detailed scheme plan was included in Appendix 1.


The scheme aimed to reduce vehicle speeds and improve overall safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and residents within the area. Phase 2a would see the road narrowed to 6.5 metres with raised table junctions, which would need to be advertised, and narrowing of side roads to reduce vehicle speeds. It was also proposed to advertise a traffic regulation order to lower the speed limit from 40mph to 30mph. It provided sufficient width for a 3 metres shared pedestrian / cycle route on the northern side and would provide connectivity from the new Tiverton Eastern Urban Extension development to the shared use path on Blundell’s Road. This would connect to the existing route along the western end of Blundell’s Road and towards Tiverton Town Centre.


The Consultation on the traffic calming scheme took place in 2015 which included two in-person events and section 5 of the Report highlighted both the process and the outcomes. However, the development sites that made up the Eastern Urban Extension had been subject to the planning process which included public consultation as well as recent liaison with the Local Member and Mid Devon District Council on the updated plans.


The scheme was well aligned with a range of Strategic Plan priorities by supporting sustainable travel and helping communities be safe, resilient and connected. The table in the Report summarised how the proposals would impact achievement of relevant Strategic Plan actions.


The estimated overall cost of Phase 2a of the traffic calming scheme was £636,135, with £588,000 projected in 2024/25. The scheme was funded fully from Section 106 contributions from Tiverton Eastern Urban Extension developments.


An Impact Assessment had been prepared for the meeting and was available at - Blundells Road Traffic Calming - Impact Assessment. Delivery of the Blundell’s Road Traffic Calming Phase 2a scheme took into consideration the need to improve facilities for all, ensuring accessibility for disabled people. This includes widening the pavement to provide sufficient width for people using mobility aids and including raised table junctions so there was no height difference  ...  view the full minutes text for item 495