Issue - meetings

Meeting: 14/12/2022 - Cabinet (Item 260)

260 Children’s Centres - Contract Extension

(An item to be considered by the Cabinet in accordance with the Cabinet ProcedureRules and Regulation 5 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012, no representations having been received to such consideration taking place under Regulation 5(5) thereof)


Report of the Head of Childrens Health and Wellbeing(CS/22/31) on proposals for contract extension for Children’s Centres,attached.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the direct award of a 12-month contract from the 1st of April 2023 to 31st March 2024 for the provision of a targeted Children Centre Services for children aged 0-8 years and their families across Devon, with the current provider Action for Children (AfC) be agreed and the management actions proposed from AfC, as outlined in recommendation (b) of the Report, be further endorsed.


(An item taken under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 during which the press and public were excluded, no representations having been received to such consideration under Regulation 5(5) of the  Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012).


(Councillors Brazil and Whitton attended in accordance with Standing Order 25(2) and spoke to this item).


The Cabinet considered the Report of the Head of Children’s Health and Wellbeing(CS/22/31) on proposals for contract extensions for Children’s Centres, circulated prior to the meeting in accordance with regulation 7(4) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012.


The Report outlined that the current contract ended on 31st March 2023, the importance of the wider Devon Early Help Service for children and families, the key contractual obligations built into the current contract and performance headlines (detailed in Appendix 1).


It further outlined the benefit of the proposed extension and the proposals of the current contract award, including continuation of frontline service delivery.


Commissioning oversight and support would be provided through robust financial monitoring at contract review meetings.


The matter having been debated and the options and/or alternatives and other relevant factors (e.g. financial, sustainability, environmental impact, risk management, equality and legal considerations) set out in the Head of Service’s Report having been considered:


It was MOVED by Councillor Leadbetter, SECONDED by Councillor Hart, and


RESOLVED that the direct award of a 12-month contract from the 1st of April 2023 to 31st March 2024 for the provision of a targeted Children Centre Services for children aged 0-8 years and their families across Devon, with the current provider Action for Children (AfC) be agreed and the management actions proposed from AfC, as outlined in recommendation (b) of the Report, be further endorsed.