Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
(a) that in relation to Moving Traffic Offences (MTOs)
(i) the submission of an application to the DfT to acquire powers to enforce MTOs under Part 6 of The Traffic Management Act 2004 in Tranche 3 of applications expected to be July 2023 be approved; and
(ii) that the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Highway Management be given delegated authority to approve future enforcement sites.
(b) in relation to Pay and Display
(i) that the proposed policy for Parking Management in Communities
(including Pay & Display) as laid out in Appendix D, be approved;
(ii) that the advertising of schemes in the communities as laid out in
Appendix E also be approved; and
(iii) that the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport in
consultation with the Cabinet Member for Highway Management be
given delegated authority to make minor amendments to policy and
schemes where appropriate.
(c) regarding advertising on the highway
(i) that the proposed policy for sponsorship and advertising on highway
assets and associated infrastructure be approved; and
(ii) that the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport in
consultation with the Cabinet Member for Highway Management be
given delegated authority to make minor amendments to the policy
where appropriate.
Reason Key: Strategic, Political or Financial Significance;
Divisions Affected: (All Divisions);
Other reasons / organisations consulted
Contact: Meg Booth, Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport Email:
Report author: Meg Booth
Publication date: 10/11/2022
Date of decision: 09/11/2022
Decided at meeting: 09/11/2022 - Cabinet
Accompanying Documents: