Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
(a) that the M5 Junction 28 and Town Centre Relief Road scheme, as shown in Appendix 1 of the Report, be endorsed as the preferred option for inclusion in the Strategic Outline Case submission to the Department for Transport (DfT); and
(b) that the submission of the Strategic Outline Case for the M5 Junction 28 and Town Centre Relief Road scheme to the Department for Transport (DfT), be supported, with any changes agreed by the Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Environment and Transport and Local Member for Cullompton and Bradninch.
Reason Key: Strategic, Political or Financial Significance;
Divisions Affected: Cullompton & Bradninch;
Other reasons / organisations consulted
Stakeholder workshops. Public engagement
session planned
Local Member and Portfolio Holder, Mid Devon
District Council, National Highways
Contact: Meg Booth, Director of Climate Change, Environment and Transport Email:
Report author: Meg Booth
Publication date: 13/03/2024
Date of decision: 13/03/2024
Decided at meeting: 13/03/2024 - Cabinet
Accompanying Documents: